Monday, April 2, 2012

(A is for)...Aww, (B is for) Bummer

Darn it!  I worked a 12 hour shift at the hospital yesterday so I completely forgot it was the first day of the A to Z challenge!  Hopefully I will be pardoned since I was taking care of the ill...:-)

So Aww Bummer I got off to a late start!


  1. Aww that's too bad!

    Happy A to Z's!

  2. I reckon the good folks over at the A to Z Challenge will pardon you, since you were engaged in most honorable work! (God knows I couldn't do it!) :-)

    Some Dark Romantic

  3. That's okay, I think taking care of the ill is probably more important. You sound like a very compassionate person.

  4. Aww, that is a long shift and a bummer! No worries, you have to do what you can to make it all work,and I don't think anyone would fault you for showing up at your real job!! ;)

    If you do work a lot of long shifts, you may want to schedule a couple of posts ahead of time. Did you know you can do that? It makes it so easy! You can write like five in a day and just tell the computer when to publish them ... Very helpful tool for these blogging challenges.

    Arlee Bird has a tutorial somewhere on his Tossing It Out website, and I believe it is also on the A to Z Challenge website too.

    It is a trick I learned from the challenge last year and it is sooooo useful!

    Best of luck with the rest if the month. :)

    Alana @
    Fellow A to Z Challenger
